I’m going to be completely honest and admit that I’ve let my vegetable garden go to hell. I’ve spent the majority of the past three years pregnant or dealing with a newborn and neglected it horribly. This year I am determined to reclaim it and give it the love and attention it desperately needs. Where I live I get six months of winter and two months of the other seasons if I’m lucky. The year I tried to establish my raised beds we had a long spring with two weeks of summer and an early fall. Everything rotted where it grew because it never got hot and dried out. Thankfully this year seems to be following the usual pattern. I was able to start my bed prep in April like I prefer. I did most of it in a single afternoon with help from my husband and a good friend.
Raking the debris was fairly straight forward. Since I neglected my beds I had disease issues last year so instead of composting the leaves and dead plants like I would normally recommend doing my husband and I burned them on our dirty burn pile. Then I had him and one of our friends use a weed torch and burn off the surface of all the beds to kill any remaining disease causing microbes and germs before they were turned into the soil to wreck havoc with this year’s crop. My husband loves any excuse to get the weed torch out so it was not hard to get him to help at all.
Here is another confession: I haven’t amended my raised beds in years. I knew that I would have to do that this spring and shopped around for organic solutions. I found a four part system from Arbico organics that I decided to try out. It’s called Bob and John’s soil prep kit. It promises not to burn any existing plants and is all natural. I bought the small kit because I don’t have a great deal of soil to cover. I found it very easy to use and I am optimistic about the results. The first three parts were easy enough to broadcast by hand and the last just required a hose sprayer. No complicated mixing and measuring just toss it, spray it, and water it in. The forecast is calling for three days of rain which should help the amendments work their way in nicely before I put any seeds or plants in.
That is how I spent my Sunday. Hopefully It was a big step towards reclaiming my vegetable patch and undoing the damage caused by neglect. Maybe my poor garden will even forgive me and I’ll get a decent crop this year.
Good luck, Bitsy!